DialoguePerspectives | Podcast
"DialoguePerspectives | Podcast” ist der Podcast-Kanal von DialoguePerspectives e.V., einer europäischen Plattform zur Stärkung der pluralen Gesellschaft mit Sitz in Berlin. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind religiös-weltanschauliche Dialogarbeit in Europa, europäische Antisemitismusbekämpfung, Etablierung einer europäischen Pluralen Erinnerungskultur sowie die Vermittlung jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland und Europa über das Medium der Kunst. Hören Sie hier die vielfältigen Stimmen und Perspektiven von diskursbestimmenden Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Practitioners aus ganz Europa und darüber hinaus.
‘DialoguePerspectives | Podcast’ is the podcast channel of DialoguePerspectives e.V., a Berlin-based European platform for strengthening the pluralistic society. Its work focuses on interreligious/worldview dialogue in Europe, the European fight against antisemitism, the establishment of a plural European culture of remembrance, and the conveyance of various dimensions of Jewish life in Germany and Europe through the medium of art. Listen and discover the diverse voices and perspectives of discourse-shaping artists, scientists, activists and practitioners from all over Europe and beyond.
www.dialogueperspectives.com | © 2025 DialoguePerspectives e.V.
DialoguePerspectives | Podcast
Episode 33: The Influence of Right-Wing, Anti-Pluralist Parties on Central Power Structures
With Germany's elections just held on 1 September, this episode is more relevant than ever! After voting closed on Sunday, the AfD was projected to become the strongest party in the eastern state of Thuringia, with 32.8% of the vote, and to come a close second in Saxony, with 30.6% of the vote.
In this episode, we explore the growing influence of right-wing, anti-pluralist parties on Europe's central power structures, with a particular focus on Germany's AfD and its potential role in nominating judges to the Federal Constitutional Court. Hosts Whitney, Paulina, and Asmae are joined by special guest Moritz Dege, a contributor to our Anthology "Voices of Resilience", who offers expert insights into the AfD's growing power and what it could mean for the future of democracy in Germany and beyond.
Join us as we discuss the intersection of political power, judicial independence and the urgent need to protect democratic institutions.
A new episode of our podcast is released every month - stay tuned!
Intro: Carleigh Garcia | Speakers: Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Paulina Wagner, Dr Asmae Ourkiya, Moritz Dege | Audio Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn | Music: Viktor Rosengrün ©2024 DialoguePerspectives | Shownotes: Anthology: https://www.dialogueperspectives.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/VOICES-OF-RESIL-IENCE-Exploring-Crisis-and-Cohesion-in-Contemporary-European-Society.pdf