DialoguePerspectives | Podcast
"DialoguePerspectives | Podcast” ist der Podcast-Kanal von DialoguePerspectives e.V., einer europäischen Plattform zur Stärkung der pluralen Gesellschaft mit Sitz in Berlin. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind religiös-weltanschauliche Dialogarbeit in Europa, europäische Antisemitismusbekämpfung, Etablierung einer europäischen Pluralen Erinnerungskultur sowie die Vermittlung jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland und Europa über das Medium der Kunst. Hören Sie hier die vielfältigen Stimmen und Perspektiven von diskursbestimmenden Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Practitioners aus ganz Europa und darüber hinaus.
‘DialoguePerspectives | Podcast’ is the podcast channel of DialoguePerspectives e.V., a Berlin-based European platform for strengthening the pluralistic society. Its work focuses on interreligious/worldview dialogue in Europe, the European fight against antisemitism, the establishment of a plural European culture of remembrance, and the conveyance of various dimensions of Jewish life in Germany and Europe through the medium of art. Listen and discover the diverse voices and perspectives of discourse-shaping artists, scientists, activists and practitioners from all over Europe and beyond.
www.dialogueperspectives.com | © 2025 DialoguePerspectives e.V.
DialoguePerspectives | Podcast
United against Antisemitism. Stories from the Field. Episode 6: Challenges and Opportunities in Countering Antisemitism Online
🎙️ United Against Antisemitism: Stories from the Field, Episode 6.
Join us for a panel discussion live-recorded during the EPNA workshop in Belgrade this November. Featuring key voices like Katharina von Schnurbein, Friedrich Enders from TikTok, and others, the panel explores the rise of online antisemitism, the role of legislation, and collective strategies to foster safer digital spaces.
For feedback or comments, write us.
Intro: Bethany Odd I Audio-Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn I Music: Hopeful Start by John Bartmann is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License I Illustration: Saskia Schlarmann I Project Lead: Jo Frank, Johanna Korneli | © 2024 DialoguePerspectives e.V. | https://against-antisemitism.eu/ I insta: dialogueperspectives_epna